Thursday, June 25, 2015

Fnatic Flusha My life in a post

I started out playing CS:GO when I was a younger child, I've always been motivated to be the best player I can be. (BY ANY MEANS NECCESSARY), anyways that's not important now first let's talk about when I first joined Fnatic. See my long childhood friend pronax was talking to me how he went full on pro in 2013, and how great it was, at that moment I was determined to go pro and join my friend in the line of battle (CS:GO of course). After trying out for the team early 2013 I was quickly accepted into the team I scaled the ranks quickly and surpassed my fellow teammates, even my mentor pronax. Needless to say I became an upcoming CS:GO prodigy and I caused quite a storm in the CS:GO community soon I was fighting against some of the most elite CS:GO teams in the country like NIP, TITAN (especially kennys that jew) , ENVY, TSM, and many others. I have fallen a lot and at certain times I felt as if all hope was lost, But in the end I have always prevailed with my trusty ESP and soft aimbot they have never let me down (unlike my team). But don't tell them I said that, long story short that is how I have became the most controversial pro player in CS:GO history to this date thank you for reading this post if you took the time. ;)

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